Sunday, April 11, 2010

Kung Fu With Some Fashion Sense

These kicks are wicked. The gentleman's "flats" if you will. Using the same style and concept as kung-fu/martial artists wear, Bagua has come up with a design that is lightweight, comfortable, and simple. If I were to cop Bruce Lee's fashion sense, this would be the FIRST item on the list. They look comfy as hell.

Bagua x Wu-Tang

Bagua, you guys need to open up shop in the U.S., or at least sell these in the U.S.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Old Spice commercials with tigers, muscles, and explosions!

Tim and Eric one upping it in the best way. All of the "new" commercials in one. Get ready for a mind explosion.

Friday, April 2, 2010

LOST + Baywatch

This is awesome.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

STi is atop my list of must haves..

this is why..

thats nuts.

plus, new pics of the 2011 WRX STi

Friday, March 26, 2010

Left-Lane gets fast update!

"The states indicated in green dictate that the left lane should be used exclusively for passing or turning left, though most of these limit enforcement to multi-lane highways. The simplest and best laws simply state drivers in the left lane must always yield to faster traffic regardless of the passing car's speed or other factors."


 Finally! now get out of my way, slow ass drivers.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Zack Galifianakis x SNL

Need I say more.

CF Log

5rds for time:
250m row
30 wall ball @ 20#


My two MOST hated movements. Thankfully the row was short, but every time the wall ball shots came around, Im sure 90% of the time I was thinking "Gaaah, friggin wall ball AGAIN. 30 shots. this blows."

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

CF Log

150 burpees for time:

[11:09] *PR
original was 12:56 in 4/09. next time, gonna shoot for sub-10.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

CF Log

022410 [going back to mo/da/yr setup]
The Monthly Affiliate Challenge! this month is from CrossFit Advantage, Mukilteo

5 rds for max reps:
1 min row (cal)
1 min deadlift, 100kg/70kg
1 min ring dips
1 min rest between rounds.

WOD @ 245reps
+ 2 scoop protein shake after WOD

deadlift 3-3-3-3-3

for time:
100 double-unders
50 db snatches, 45lbs
100 double-unders

Deadlift @ 100kg
WOD @ 32:19 *replaced 100 d/u with 200 boxjumps; db snatch at 40lb
+ 2 scoop protein shake after WOD

50-40-30-20-10 reps for time:
double unders

3-5min. rest, THEN

150 wallball shots @20# for time:

Annie @14:50
Karen @19:59
+ Had 1.5 scoop protein shake with pecans after WOD

3 rds for time:
400m run
5 handstand pushups
10 L-sit pullups
15 box jumps, 24"/20"

+ Had 1.5 scoop protein shake with pecans after WOD

3rds each for time:
Row 2k

+ 1.5 scoop protein shake with pecans after WOD

Monday, February 22, 2010

EOM's Construction BIBLE

I want this book.


This book carries Eric Owen Moss' work, including detailed drawings, actual models, images of his work (built and unbuilt). Pretty much a book of amazing construction done by an amazing architect; in the form of a heavy ass book.

a few images of his work on the Multi-media Tower in Culver City, California


 buy it for me :D

Sunday, February 21, 2010

LOST + Supra =

Package comes with shoes, Expose' mug, and an original script from the show.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Eco-friendly furniture

I remember a project some of the architecture students had to do at WSU where they had to build a "functional chair" out of cardboard. I didn't get to see the finished results, but this reminded me of it.

pretty cool.


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Just a few things

probably watched this 5 times. but its okay because its less than 20sec long, so I only lost less than 2 minutes of my life... so far.

some of their other videos are funny, check em out.

I always enjoyed TED lectures. David Blaine decided to lecture during the TEDMED, explaining the a few of his ups and downs and what he had to do to accomplish some of his feats. Its a great story, but the part that caught my attention is the moral; the reason behind his 20 minute speech..

"Its practice, its training, and experimenting, while pushing through the pain to be the best that I can be." - David Blaine

'tis true, David.
(oooh, good segue)

Tabata pullups, pushups, squats, 2xUnders, situps

[7+10+19+4+10 = 50] need to work on my 2xunders definitely. I skip them in the warm-up :X
+ 1.5 protein shake with pecans after WOD

Power Clean 2-2-2
Clean Pull 5-5-5

[both at 50kg]
+ 1.5 protein shake with pecans after WOD

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Black House brings in the light


This house was made for me:
+ simple black and white theme
+ lots of windows and open rooms
+ pool
+ next to a lake (in Buenos Aires, might I add)
+ closed neighborhood
+ meant for a modern couple with no kids (at the time)

"Both programs(sections of the house) are connected by a glass bridge, with the water running under your feet."

how cool is that?!