Wednesday, January 27, 2010
When Manny isn't winning WBO belts, he's...
Labels: Manny Pacquiao, media, random, Wapakman
Saturday, January 16, 2010
This year's so far:
- Not in school, waiting for acceptance to UW *fingers crossed*
- Work sucks so far. Because I took almost 2 weeks off from work, I haven't been scheduled for anything.. actually thats almost a (+) and not a (-)
+ looking for more work and an internship. so far, missed one job by a day.
+ Back in CrossFit. I am recording my work in the journal at the gym, but I probably should do it here again. self motivation kinda stuff.
+ snowboarding again. weather sucks, but recently i went up and it was powderrr. but it was too warm so it was a bit slushy.. I also need to wash and put new water repellent on.
recent WOD on 100114
5rds max reps:
bench press 3/4BW
[82/84 @ 45kg]
feels good to do a strength training workout, but i was feenin a chipper or a metcon. oh well. that just means i gotta get into the gym more often.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
This is a good CrossFit Quote.
"I do today what you won't so that tomorrow I do what you can't." - Anon. from my perspective.
Put this on a shirt with the CrossFit Name and I'll buy it.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
WOD @ home
3rds, 30 pushups + 40 situps + 50 squats
The original includes 20 pullups but I lacked a bar here at home.
Still a bit sore from Cindy a few days ago, but I had to do it to get myself back in shape.
Labels: WOD