April 16 [Wednesday]: GLOW IN THE DARK TOUR, SEATTLE WA. This show was amazing. Me and a few friends were lucky enough to score some floor seat tickets so we were absolutely hyped up for the show. We arrived a bit late due to some traffic, but luckily only missed 20min of Lupe's show. As we got to the seats, I could look up and around and see nothing but moving bodies, arms waiving, and glow sticks moving around like fireflies. Unfortunately I missed out on N.E.R.D.'s performance cause I got stuck in line buying shirts. Made it in time for Rihanna's act which was actually pretty good. I expected her sequence to be not as entertaining, but she proved me wrong. and then KANYE's performance. Seriously, no words to discribe how imaginatively talented this dude is. IT'S INSANE. He truly does know how to be a performer, and deserved the spotlight that night. I'm still on the hunt for his GLITD poster, and I'm hoping someone makes this image
into a poster. Shit is so awesome! damn. Kanye you know how to do things big. Fuck those who talk shit.
Another thing, because we had FLOOR SEATS, we were seated right next to the sound/light stage, which was in the back-center of the floor. During Kanye's performance most of the artists came down to watch from the sound/light stage, so I was fortunate enough to see artists such as Pharrell [who gave me a head nod!] and Chad from N.E.R.D., Matthew Santos, Sarah Green, and the beautiful Nikki Jean [who waved back at me!]. OH MAN, that totally made the seats worth it. Wouldn't have traded that moment for anything.
Thanks for inviting me, friends! you guys are awesome! and thanks to Mike for dropping and picking us up!
April 17 [Thursday]:
Didn't do jack shit pretty much. haha. slept, dropped Dru off at his FIRST DAY OF WORK [nice dude! hook it up! haha]. Slept more, woke up and dropped Kristina off at school, then left early to pick Dru up. Took his longboard for a ride around the block of his work since it was a nice day, then he showed up and we headed for the ferry back to Bremer-Dale, where we spent some time at a Cafe, which was relaxing. I was HELLA eaves-dropping [?] in on this conversation of girls right next to me. haha. SHIT! they were talking hella loud, what do you expect me to do? something about BF's and dudes, and some other shit. that was fun. Spent the rest of my night in front of my computer typing up a paper [bleh].
April 18 [FRIDAY!]: This day actually started at 00:00am for me, cause I put my paper off till the last minute, so I stayed up late working on it. Finished half by 5:00am, took a short nap, woke up at 8:15am, and finished the rest of it, printing it as im changing for school and eating half a bowl of cereal. I felt like shit today. not enough sleep and food in my system. RIGHT after class I headed for the GYM to do the CROSSFIT WORKOUT OF THE DAY [see CrossFit Log]. I didn't finish it though, cause I seriously felt like crap, my head was pounding, my mouth was dry, back hurt, and i felt so weak; no energy at all. Moral of that story?.. PAPERS ARE A BITCH, never take Composition. hah.
So now I'm supposed to be getting ready for Seattle again. Another music concert, and probably some drinking with some Seattle-heads. We'll see how this night ends up. Something spectacular happens today tho!
**red band clip**
I expect this movie to do good this weekend, hopefully number 1 for the weekend since all the other movies don't include a half naked KRISTEN BELL, so all other movies this weekend can suck my douche. mmmmmm gross.
April 19 [Saturday]: 11am workout with LOCAL'S GYM. Those in the area, check 'em out. There's going to be a Hooverball Tournament. Never been to one so we'll see how BAD I do.
Other than that, I think that's all I've got for now. So enjoy the weekend, glad you read this far. and hopefully I'll post some pictures up of stuff, because hey, who doesn't enjoy some pictures, right? I know I do. especially the ones where the girls is.. ..
Friday, April 18, 2008
Wrappin' it up!
Labels: Drinking, Kristen Bell, Movies, School, Seattle
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